Social Media Rockstar Event in D.C.

Published by Karen Snyder on

Last night, my husband and I attended a really fun event held by the DC New Media Tech (Web / Video), which is run by its dedicated leader, Paul Worsham . Kady (I did not catch her last name!) organized this particular event. She did a great job and I plan to find out more about her work as a social media contractor for Booz.

Just some quick highlights from the presentations:

Justin Thorpe who is the Developer Community manager at Clearspring. He described his job: “as a Community Manager I get paid to make friends”

Jared Goralnick of Awayfind offered some pragmatic advice: be nice to people and make friends *before* you need them!

But the most memorable presentation was from Chris Melissinos, Chief Gaming Officer, at Sun Microsystems. His presentation was like a study of the cultural anthropology of gaming. I’ll never forget some points he made, like: “for the first time in history, we have gamers raising gamers” and how today’s youth are very “thumb oriented” (I can’t do his presentation justice here, you have to hear him tell the tale!) Chris is a dynamic, engaging presenter — If you ever see him on the agenda at an event, you have to go! He is a MUST SEE!

1 Comment

Chris Melissinos · November 16, 2008 at 9:40 pm

Karen, you rock! Thanks for coming out and attending the presentation. It was a lot of fun and I look forward to catching up soon.


Chris Melissinos

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